Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mami Bagyashri

Darling Bagyashri,

You've grown very fast indeed. 's very funny to see how you scold your brothers when they fight, or how to try to pacify the brother who is angry.

You've learn to say many things, " Mam mam, Apapa (which means Banana), Mmm ( which means School), illai, venna.....Annai, chinnanai, patti......Ammama

And you're dancing to the serial tunes just like your brothers did.I love how you talk to your Ammama on the phone.=)

And best of all, I just feel a glow inside when I ask you, "Bagyashri yaar sayang" and you smile and tell me "Amma".


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hairy Woes

Dear Bagyashri,

I suggest you ask your hair to grow thickly and quickly, because I overhead Amma telling Appa that they have to shave your hair once more.And they plan to do it at a time called "after Ponggal".

You'll be the only one bald again then, and it will make you look like an egg.

So..........beware.....jeng jeng jeng

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Trying to split

Hi Bagyashri,

Are you trying to do the split like me? Okay, shall we see who does it first?


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sleeping with Ammama

Hi everyone,

Amma is missing=( Everyone says she's gone to China. =(

I have to sleep with Ammama, and Ghandima bathes me.

I want my Amma!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bagyashri's Kolukattai Ceremony

Dear Bagyashri,

We held you kolukattai ceremony today. True to being opposite from the boys, you didn't try to grab the kolukattai and stuff it into your mouth. Instead, you cried because you got frightened that something was being dropped over your head=)

Well, the kolukattai was nice wasn't it?


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Climbing the sofa & sitting in the car seat

Hi everyone,

I'm 1 year and 1 month old now. about 7.5kgs, very light I think because everyone keeps telling me how thin i am.

Anyway, just loggig to inform that i have succeeded in climbing the sofa today after numerous attempts. now I can sit next to Annai and Chinnanai.

I've been climbing the starirs for about a month now, and also waving bye bye to everyone who leaves the house.

Also, Amma put me in the car seat today. I cried for a while because I panicked that no one was carrying me, but when Annai started singing Old mcDonald, I sang along and actually enjoyed the ride!

See you soon.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bagyashri turns 1!

Dear Bagyashri,

Happy birthday!

There's a magician coming today, and we are all going to play games. Amma said that I should win one present in every event, this way I can get back the presents she bought=)

Your dress is very lovely, it's Rainbow coloured. yeap, that's your theme, rainbow!. you have a rainbow cake, rainbow jelly, and we have rainbow ties too!

We'll have a lot of fun. Happy birthday again, and Thambi and I love you.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Baby's first steps

Dear Thangachi,

You're walking!

Oh no.....soon the good days as Annai and I know it will come to an end because I JUST KNOW you're going to disturb our games.

Monday, June 18, 2012

My first tooth

Hi everyone,

My first tooth appeared today, at the bottom. No pain. Strong genes. =)

Good, this means I can eat more things ( not my porridge of course!)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bagyashri Stands Up

Finally, Bagyashri, you're standing up.

You're doing this little thing a little slower than your brothes, but little girl, you're so much faster in other things. You understand instructions very very well.

Amma's Kunjama.

Big hugs,

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What are you saying?

Kutty Girl,

you have so many stories to tell me when I get back from work, but what are you saying Amma?

You're just cooing and gurgling and babbling. And then you give me high five!

You're doing great, Small girl =)

Proud Appa.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Holding my bottle

Hi everyone,

Just thought you should know that I can hold my own bottle. And my favourite drink is water.....NOT milk.

Thank you.=)

Friday, March 30, 2012

No Mam mam...


No mam mam...Bagyashri is not hungry ( bagyashri shakes her head and shakes her hand).

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby moving forward


I'm moving forward everywhere since 25.01.2012. Today I've decided to explore the kitchen. I'm looking for Ghandhima, but she was not in the room. So I suppose she'll be in the kitchen.

I'm trying to sit up and watch TV, but each timeI do that, Amma rushes to sit behind me. Why Amma? Do I look THAT unstable to you? Don't worry I won't fall. But you can carry me, yes, there's no problem with that.

And don't tickle me by saying "Nandu varuthu" it really tickles.

Come Appa let's talk in babbles.....tatatatata...bababababa.......( banging my head with my right hand and trying to pull my hair, which for the record is VERY little)

Amma keeps putting this silly hair band on my head. *sigh* I guess when my hair grows she's going to clip it all up.

To Annai and Cinnanai, please teach me how to stand. I want to play with you both too......=)

Alright then, till later.....toodles.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

The rolling baby says...."Appa"

Dearest Kutty Girl,

You said Appa today....not Amma.....LOL. I don't think your mother was very amused.

You seem to have discovered that rolling is a way to move from one place to another. you know, your brothers never really rolled, they just started crawling.

So when are you going to move forward? Seem like you're taking your own sweet time. your brothers were already crawling at your age.

They also blew the bubbles like you are doing now, but I think you're making the most bubbles of all.

And did I mention that you have grown to 64 cm? And that you've put on some weight, you're 6.5kg today. And when you smile that little piggy laugh of yours, your eyes are just two slits. Your mother's genes are showig I guess =) LOL again.......
