Thursday, October 24, 2013

Bagyashri's Colourful vocabulary

Dear Lovely,

You're 11kg now, and already 90cm. you're very tall for your age, littl one.

You're speaking very fluently now ( and almost non stop) and it's very cute to hear you make sentences with your baby voice.

You're sayign things like " choo in toilet bowl" , "Kaka in bathroom", " no way", "Put it here"," no way",          " Annai, bathe", " Annina, Amma calling you" , "little bit", " Bagyashri cayang you", "I love you".....

wow, little girl, you're saying a lot more things that your brothers did at your age.

Well, they say the smaller ones always learn faster, because they have chief misfits to follow from!

And they also learn to sing more quickly. This page is too short to list the songs you sing.=)
